Rayuan Permohonan Jawatan Pegawai Dagang Selepas Ditolak Kali Kedua Oleh Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia

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Application of Appeal for Expatriate Position after being Rejected by Malaysia Immigration Department for the Second Time

Foreign companies are permitted to bring in staff to fill the vacancies which lack trained Malaysian citizens for the said post.

From the policy aspect, expatriate are permitted to work in Malaysia for the period of 10 years only. Appeal for exemption has to be referred to the Immigration Affairs Division for consideration and approval. The Immigration Affairs Division shall consider appeal for the second time after the rejection by Malaysia Immigration Department.

Immigration Affairs Division shall submit to the applicant the acknowledgement of acceptance of the expatriate appeal within 1 working day after receiving the application over the counter by the Immigration Affairs Division. Notification shall be made to the applicant for application that is incomplete or not according to rules.

Immigration Affairs Division shall process and submit decision regarding the appeal for application of expatriate within 14 working days after the duly completed application is received.



alamat Setia Perkasa 1, 2, 7 & 9, Kompleks Setia Perkasa, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62546 Putrajaya
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